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Latest Albums

Those albums contain original music and published under Creative Commons license (so it's free for any kind of usage). Cover songs are located in the separate directory.
For CC usage you can use following credits: "Alexey Kasyanchuk (DEgITx) [ https://degitx.com/links ]".

Click on each album to get more info and also download links. The latest album can be not full and applied by tracks on live time, while they've not released tracks.

Night album cover
Night (2023)


  • 1.

    Transistor (Intro)

  • 2.

    Aurora (feat Matty M.)

  • 3.


  • 4.


  • 5.


  • 6.


  • 7.

    Sky (feat. Matty M.)

  • 8.

    Battleground on Backyard

  • 9.

    Burn Out

  • 10.


  • 11.

    Next Year Will Be Better

  • 12.

    Rip The Nature

  • 13.


  • 14.

    Snow Butterfly

  • 15.


  • 16.

    One Melody Song

  • 17.


  • 18.

    Sad Ending

  • 19.

    Disillusion (Vocals)

  • 20.

    Moonlight & Sunrise (Vocals)

  • 21.

    Path (Vocals)

  • 22.

    Grim Reaper (feat. Matty M.) [Yusuf Ziya Temirci Vocals]

  • 23.

    Memories (Vocals)

  • 24.

    Phoenix (Vocals)

  • 25.

    Lands Are Waiting (Vocals)

Download / Listen full album:

Digital Hell album cover
Digital Hell (2019)


  • 1.

    Digital Tale (Intro)

  • 2.


    This song was called 'Snail' at beginnings, but was renamed because it was more aggressive one.
  • 3.

    Pixel Rain

  • 4.

    Digital Hell

  • 5.

    Forest House (Vocals)

    В час полночный, под седой луной
    Шёл мальчишка чащею лесной.
    Много дней он словно тень бродил,
    И держался из последних сил.
    Каждый шорох в сердце сеял страх,
    Что за звери прячутся в кустах?
    Бедный путник на ветру продрог,
    Только к дому путь найти не мог.
    Вдруг увидел сквозь туман, вдали
    Одинокой хижины огни.
    Двери гостю дева отперла,
    Ликом краше звёзд она была.
    Накормила, уложила спать,
    На перину в тёплую кровать.
    А с рассветом, проводив к селу,
    Сгинула как дымка по утру.

    Былых времён страницы
    Не позабыл народ.
    Под обликом девицы
    В лесной глуши злой дух живёт.
    Красой своей и статью
    Мужчин влечёт она.
    Но в сладостных объятьях
    Лихая смерть всем суждена.

    Годы мчались вырос тот юнец,
    Став мечтою девичьих сердец.
    Всем пригожий, просто идеал,
    Но любовных встреч он не искал.
    Вспоминал всё хижину в глуши,
    Были грёзы негой для души.
    И не в силах страсть свою унять,
    Он решил вернуться в лес опять.

    Былых времён страницы
    Не позабыл народ.
    Под обликом девицы
    В лесной глуши злой дух живёт.
    Красой своей и статью
    Мужчин влечёт она.
    Но в сладостных объятьях
    Лихая смерть всем суждена.

    Былых времён страницы
    Не позабыл народ.
    Под обликом девицы
    В лесной глуши злой дух живёт.
    Красой своей и статью
    Мужчин влечёт она.
    Но в сладостных объятьях
    Лихая смерть всем суждена.

    Коль встретишь однажды
    Хозяйку леса на пути,
    Пусть ты воин отважный,
    От грозной мести не уйти.
    И конный и пеший,
    От страха, словно лист дрожит.
    Лишь тех, кто безгрешен
    Дух беспокойный пощадит.

    На пороге юношу ждала
    Та же дева как цветок юна.
    Может время здесь теряет власть?
    Изумленье распалило страсть.
    Парень сделал шаг навстречу ей,
    Не заметив яростных огней,
    Что мелькнули в глубине зрачков,
    Стала явь страшней кошмарных снов…

    Былых времён страницы
    Не позабыл народ.
    Под обликом девицы
    В лесной глуши злой дух живёт.
    Красой своей и статью
    Мужчин влечёт она.
    Но в сладостных объятьях
    Лихая смерть всем суждена.

    Обратно нет возврата,
    Исчезнувшим во тьме,
    Но иногда внезапно
    Мы видим вновь их при луне.
    Безмолвные как тени,
    Скользят они сквозь ночь
    Всего одно мгновенье,
    И им ничем нельзя помочь.

    Былых времён страницы
    Не позабыл народ.
    Под обликом девицы
    В лесной глуши злой дух живёт.
    Красой своей и статью
    Мужчин влечёт она.
    Но в сладостных объятьях
    Лихая смерть всем суждена.

    Коль встретишь однажды
    Хозяйку леса на пути,
    Пусть ты воин отважный,
    От грозной мести не уйти.
    И конный и пеший,
    От страха, словно лист дрожит.
    Лишь тех, кто безгрешен
    Дух беспокойный пощадит.

    (Literary) translation:
    In the midnight hour
    In the midnight hour by moonlight,
    Through the forest, where the owls cried,
    A young man was making his way,
    Looking for an overnight stay.

    Every rustle made him feel fear,
    All nightmares in that place seemed so real.
    The poor boy had frozen in the wind,
    How to warm up? Where to stay and eat?

    Through the fog and darkness, what a joy!
    A hut window beckoned our boy.
    A girl opened to the guest a door.
    It was hard to take his eyes off her.

    She fed him and gave a warm bed,
    Helped to gain strength and to forget,
    In the morning showed him the way home
    And then quietly left the boy alone.

    The legends of the past days
    By locals can be told:
    Behind the beauty and grace
    The evil spirit craves your soul.
    She attracts men and no one
    Resists her magic charms.
    Another death will happen
    In her sweet and disastrous arms.

    Days and years passed, that boy became a man,
    He could marry time and time again.
    But instead of new relationships
    He retired under age-old trees.
    He recalled, how many years ago
    Saw her face behind the open door.
    His wild thirst prevailed over him,
    And he went to realize his dream.

    If you meet the hut of
    The forest mistress on your way,
    Don't knock on the window.
    No need, it may be your last day.

    The sword will not help here
    You will be bound by fear too.
    If your soul’s without sin,
    The spirit will not ruin you.

    She was waiting for a young man.
    He was glad to see her eyes again.
    Time did not appear on her face.
    Everything stands still in that space.

    He took a one step towards.
    She seemed to him so nice.
    The only thing he saw was
    The evil fire in her eyes.

    There’s no way back from that place
    For those who stayed here.
    But sometimes in this strange space
    They may occur somewhere near.

    And silent as a shadow
    They’re sliding through the night.
    So it is and will be so.
    The story ends. We can’t rewrite
  • 6.

    Enchanted (feat. Matty M.)

    This is the second version of the song. At first it was written more atmospheric, but we with Matty M. decided that people will like more similar to Grim Reaper song, so it was fully rewritten.
  • 7.

    Lands are Waiting

  • 8.


    Most fastest written and recorded song in the album, only one day was needed to finish it from beginning to end.
  • 9.

    Turbo Ghost

    Originally this song was lost during HDD dead in near 2016 year, but it was rediscovered in Downloads folder as backuped one, so I decided to finish this one.
  • 10.

    Robotic Cycles

  • 11.

    Requiem for a Wind (Vocals)

    In the mirrors shadows are dancing,
    And the cold winds leave us out of breath
    Fears and worries make us defenceless
    Building the walls we're scared to death

    Raise your head, make a choice, meet the fate
    Face your demons and be brave
    See the truth, hear the call, find the key to the gate
    Breaking free of all your dreams... just don't be afraid

    Finding answers
    Finding answers

    In this world of silence
    Your voice is strong like diamond
    Beyond the horizon,
    You see the sun is still rising
    Forever and ever
    Keep shining like an amber
    Spread your wings and whisper
    The forgotten name of the wind
    You can find another version of Requiem for a Wind song called Name of the Wind. I liked Requiem for a Wind sounded version and vocalist liked Name of the Wind more, so I decided to release both.
  • 12.

    Light End

  • 13.

    Warp (Vocals)

    Под горячим синим солнцем,
    над остовом корабля.
    Капитанский плащ, как знамя,
    снятый с мертвого плеча.

    Сквозь вселенские просторы
    и пространства коридоры
    мы навстречу бездне проложили путь.
    Но с рождением сверхновой
    финт судьбы нам уготован:
    впереди планета среди незнакомых звезд.

    В неизвестность каждый шаг,
    в черноту лесных теней
    Для планеты мы заноза,
    и закуска для червей.
    Каждый запах, каждый звук —
    может гибель нам несут?
    Жажда жить и смерти страх
    нас по лезвию ведут.

    Из года в год лишь путь вперед,
    а тяга к дому в нас живет.
    Должны покинуть экзомир —
    Для входа в варп неизвестен ориентир.

    За горизонт — где теперь наш дом.
    Отныне в мире мы ином.
    Пока нам снится путь домой,
    Мы грязь у ног зовем землей.

    Соберем остатки знаний,
    нас направивших с Земли,
    и, спустя года изгнанья,
    свою волю закалим.

    Ради минералов, нам необходимых,
    сквозь крутые скалы шли неутомимо.
    Знали мы — как прежде, снова взмоем в небо
    с новою надеждой, трепетно хранимой.

    Тайн опасных край прекрасный;
    связаны мечтой одной, встали мы к спине спиной.
    Мир жестокий и суровый.
    В этот тяжкий для всех час полегла здесь треть из нас.

    Внеземные небеса, где пытаемся найти
    звезд знакомых адреса, что потеряны в пути.
    Спустя долгие года мы обжились на планете.
    “Здесь остаться навсегда захотят ли наши дети?”

    О доме мысли греют нас,
    Избрать свой рок должны сейчас.
    Остаться здесь? Или в космос взмыть?
    Разделены в своих стремлениях людских.
  • 14.

    City Under Sky (Extended)

    This is extended version of City Under Sky intro from previous album. Some people asked me to extend the song, so I thought why not?
  • 15.

    New Dawn

    This song was writen to preveous album and called 'Red Flower', but at the end as you know another song released under this name. So after it the song was renamed and become more 8bit like sound, but at begining I hadn't want to make it 8bit-like.
  • 16.

    Not for Us (Vocals)

    Закрой глаза, расскажи, что ты видишь
    Там во сне.
    Споет Луна в эту ночь для тебя.
    Я знаю.

    Что этот мир не для нас,
    Давай взлетим на этот раз,
    Чего терять? Мы все умрем,
    Но не сейчас, но не сейчас.

    Так далеко, что весь мир можно
    Уместить в руке.
    Новый дом… В облаках скрыт секрет.

    «Когда последний луч Солнца на прощание обнимет остывающие камни. Ты найдешь секрет равновесия на стыке Дня и Ночи. Закрывая глаза, ты увидишь, как Мир сжимается до размеров столь малых, что способен поместиться в капле росы.

    И ты боишься маленькой капли?!»
    This is cover song on Enimor band. Which have the same author as Elzevir band, which I already have the cover song in the past, which also included in older album.
  • 17.

    Machine Paradigm (Vocals)

    First song with extream vocal in the project history.

Download / Listen full album:

Red Flower album cover
Red Flower (2017)


  • 1.

    City Under Sky (Intro)

  • 2.

    Grim Reaper (feat. Matty M.)

  • 3.

    Hand in Hand (Vocals)

    Под огнем из черных гроз,
    Я пришла из мира грез.
    Я пришла чтоб обрести
    Силу света и любви.

    Но в шатре из белых скал
    В кузнице готовят сталь.
    Кузнецы куют мечи,
    Ждут приказа палачи.

    Пусть оставлены следы
    На земле, что вся в крови
    Ради собственной мечты
    Ты плоды борьбы сорви

    Я слова произнесу -
    Ветры скалы в пыль сотрут.
    По мановению руки
    Льды прервут поток реки.

    Стоит только посмотреть -
    Пламя начинает петь.
    Камень крылья развернет,
    И отправится в полет.

    Мне не нужны дороги,
    Я лечу как птица,
    Там где ветер лишь звучал
    От конца до всех начал

    Только бы я успела
    В замок, под луною,
    Только бы судьба моя,
    (Там всегда ждала меня! х2)

    Я лечу над полем
    Где в котле бурлящем битвы
    Прерывают крики боли
    Шепот сдавленный молитвы

    Мне не нужны дороги,
    Я лечу как птица,
    Там где ветер лишь звучал
    От конца до всех начал

    Только бы я успела
    В замок, под луною,
    Только бы судьба моя,
    (Там всегда ждала меня! х2)

    Under fire from black storms,
    I came from the world of dreams.
    I came to gain
    The power of light and love.

    But in the pavilion of white cliffs
    Steel is smited in the forge.
    Blacksmiths are forging swords
    Executioners are waiting for a nod.

    Leave the traces
    On the ground, covered in blood.
    For the sake of your own dream,
    Pick the offspring of your struggle.

    I will turn cliffs to dust,
    By the power of the word.
    By the wave of a hand
    Ice will stop the river flow.

    Just look at the flame,
    And it will begin to sing.
    Stone will unfold the wings,
    And will fly away.

    I don’t need a road,
    Because I’m flying like a bird,
    Where the wind blew,
    From the end to all beginnings.

    Wish I won’t be late,
    To get to the castle by the moon,
    If only my fate,
    Always waited for me there! (х2)

    I'm flying over the battlefield
    Where in the middle of a bloody fight,
    Screams of agony are howled down
    By the whispers of a squeezed prayer.

    I don’t need a road,
    Because I’m flying like a bird,
    Where the wind blew,
    From the end to all beginnings.

    Wish I won’t be late,
    To get to the castle by the moon,
    If only my fate,
    Always waited for me there! (х2)
  • 4.

    Machine Paradigm

    This song at start must be called 'квазибиологическая парадигма', but on english the theminology not so beaty so it was renamed.
  • 5.

    Catch my Dragon

  • 6.

    Before The Storm

  • 7.

    Ninja Soul

    Some parts of this song is using Ninja Cats game ost moments.
  • 8.


    Most fastest written and recorded song in the album.
  • 9.


    This is remake of my first song with guitar in hands somewhere around 2012 year. It was rediscovered on old HDD.
  • 10.

    Red Flower

  • 11.

    Dancing With Wolves

    This song was writen before all songs from previous Forest Spirits album. So it's older.
  • 12.

    Christmas Song

  • 13.

    Stepfather (Vocals)

    STANZA 1
    Leave me down the empty road, alone
    There's a feeling deep inside me that you'll never know
    Make me stop, don't let me run away
    Help me find the reasons- buried in my own grave

    I feel deprived from my own soul,
    locked away behind that door
    I'm drowned beneath the ocean floor
    Oh I can't take it, will I make it?

    Tears that I have cried before
    gave me strength to carry on
    But I don't know what I did wrong
    Oh why I am still here, it's better to go.

    STANZA 2
    Sitting in a pile of lies I breathe in heavily,
    Can we just start it all over?
    Staring at me with disgust, it breaks me
    Your world have shown me, that I'm left behind

    A tiny piece of love, attention
    all I ask is just some consideration
    It's hard to believe; continue
    everything I used to do

    Hear me,
    Because I want to be free, and I...

    CHORUS 2
    Feel deprived from my own soul,
    locked away behind that door
    I'm drowned beneath the ocean floor
    Oh I can't take it, I can't take the pain anymore

    I thought we're a family
    I gazed upon eternity
    to tell you that in honesty,
    making me feel unwanted
    brought me down

    Look at me deep in the eyes
    Feel all my agony
    Am I a stranger to you?

    Have I never made you happy?
    Please see the good in me.
    Reach my hand,
    Don't ever let me go.
    Don't ever let me go.

    I'm deprived from my own soul,
    locked away behind that door
    I've drowned beneath the ocean floor
    Oh I can't take it, will I make it?

    Tears that I have cried before
    gave me strength to carry on
    and I don't know what's going on
    Oh I can't take it, I can't take the pain anymore.

    I thought we're a family
    I gazed upon eternity
    to tell you that in honesty,
    making me feel unwanted
    brought me down

    Go and make me cry once more
    Trample on me like before
    And tell me how I don't belong
    But all I ever wanted is to-

    Feel the warmth of all your care
    Show the love you'd never share
    and be the one that you'd expect
    but if this goes on, I'll leave in the-

  • 14.

    Red Flower (Acoustic)

  • 15.

    Hand in Hand (Intrumental)

Download / Listen full album:

Memories album cover
Memories (2017)


  • 1.


    This song dedicated as a quintessence of my nostalgy to Battletoads game and my NES gaming experience from childhood past itself.
  • 2.

    Ropes n Roper

  • 3.

    Rat Race

  • 4.

    Missile Mayhem

  • 5.

    Surf City

Download / Listen full album:

Forest Spirits album cover
Forest Spirits (2016)


  • 1.

    Somewhere on Glade (Intro)

  • 2.

    Road To Heaven (feat. Matty M.)

  • 3.


    This is cover to old Area 51 DNA song. I heard this song probably near the 2006 year, and even than I already decided that will try to do cover in future.
  • 4.

    Moonlight and Sunrise

    At first the song was called Moonlight, but at the end I decided add 'Sunrise part' as expanded part as ending of the song.
  • 5.

    Forest Spirits

  • 6.

    Remember Your Name (Vocals)

    Чья-то фигура стоит на пути,
    В серых лохмотьях, в дорожной пыли.
    Ветру поведай, отринув враньё: 'Где ты оставил сердце своё?'

    Юный бродяга из дальних земель,
    Вечный скиталец и менестрель.
    Как ни вели дороги меня,
    Нет того места, где б счастлив был я.

    Помню твой образ, слезу на щеке,
    Голос, что лился подобно реке.
    - Сады опадут, иссякнут дожди.
    С ветром вернусь, ты меня подожди.

    Лиги скитаний, что так не легки.
    Вели к цитадели, на брегах реки.
    Войско у стен, ждет команды на штурм.
    В хаосе, шепот серебряных струн.

    Пел им безумец о теплой весне.
    О древних кронах, что спят при луне.
    Летнем дожде и зеленых холмах.
    Кристальных ручьях и далеких горах.

    Узы юдоли как льдинка хрупки.
    Воины в латах точили клинки.
    Песня была чиста и нежна.
    Но миром правят лишь кровь и война.

    С вихрем неистовым голос души,
    В утренний час всколыхнет камыши.
    Сердце встревожит. И дева поймет,
    Напрасно скитальца без устали ждёт.

    Someone’s figure in the way,
    In the dusty gray rags.
    Tell the wind, rejecting lies: 'Where is your heart now?'

    A young drifter from a distant land,
    Eternal wanderer and a minstrel.
    Wherever the road led me,
    There is no place where I’ll be happy.

    I remember your image, a tear on a cheek,
    The voice that flowed like a river.
    - Gardens will fade, raining season will end.
    I'll be back with the wind, just wait for me.

    Endless years of wandering,
    Led to the citadel on the river bank.
    The army at the gate, waiting for the order.
    Whispers of the silver strings are wafted in the Chaos.

    A madman sang about a cosy spring.
    About the ancient crowns sleeping in the moonlight.
    About a summer rain and green hills,
    Сrystal streams and distant mountains.

    Ties vale as fragile as a piece of ice.
    Armored warriors sharpened blades.
    The song was pure and tender.
    But the world is reined by blood and war.

    The voice of the soul with furious swirl,
    Will stir the reeds in the morning.
    Heart will be alarmed. And the maiden realize
    That she waits for the wanderer in vain.
  • 7.

    Far Away

    This song is based on Blitzcrank's Poro Roundup game, which I very liked
  • 8.


    You can hear Jinx (Riot games character) at begining of the track.
  • 9.

    Minefield (feat. Matty M.)

  • 10.

    Dark Energy feat. Neil (Extended)

  • 11.

    The Name of the Wind

  • 12.

    Forest House

    This song must be much more aggressive that it become, but maybe I will rerecord this song in the future.
  • 13.

    Surf City (Battletoads Cover)

  • 14.

    Winter Storm (Industrial Version)

  • 15.

    Remember Your Name (Instrumental)

Download / Listen full album:

Between Death and Stars album cover
Between Death and Stars (2014)


  • 1.

    Forgotten (Intro)

  • 2.

    Game Not Over

  • 3.

    Dead Space

  • 4.

    Mounting a Nightmare

  • 5.

    Reach the Galaxy

    This is the most fastest song that I written and recorded in sum: less than 1 hour to finish it to 100%.
  • 6.

    Tree Rock (feat. Tore Fagerheim)

  • 7.

    Hard Drive

  • 8.


  • 9.

    Between Death And Stars

  • 10.

    Rain Of That Day

  • 11.

    Fairy (8Bit Remix)

    Sid metal version of my more older track.

Download / Listen full album:

Winter Storm album cover
Winter Storm (2013)


  • 1.

    Your Sad Story (Intro)

    First original song I evar released public. The song itself is complete improvisation.
  • 2.

    Out From The Darkness

    Because of this song this project exist till novadays, the song have very influenced my worldview of the DEgITx project. I can argue that the project started from this song.
  • 3.


  • 4.

    Secret Crush (LilyPichu cover)

  • 5.

    Someone Ate Cake

  • 6.

    Ninja cats Revenge

    Original song dedicated to Ninja Cats game, one of the most favorites NES games from my past.
  • 7.


  • 8.

    Burning sadness

  • 9.

    Winter Storm

  • 10.


Download / Listen full album:

Unreleased / Covers albums

Those two albums contain metal covers to some pop and other type of songs and unreleased tracks. Both albums updated in live and can be grown, so recheck it time to time.

Metal Covers album cover
Metal Covers


  • 1.

    Cups (Anna Kendrick Cover)

  • 2.

    Gravity Falls Theme

  • 3.

    Flight (Tristam & Braken Cover)

  • 4.

    Zone J (Chip & Dale Cover)

  • 5.

    Open Your Eyes (Aviators Cover)

  • 6.

    Jungle (Ranger X Cover)

  • 7.

    The Curse of the Sad Mummy (LoL Cover)

  • 8.

    Ninja Cats Again (Cover)

  • 9.

    Driving My Tractor (Farm Animal Sounds Song Cover)

  • 10.

    Shou no Kanashimi (Arrietty Cover)

  • 11.

    Rat Race (Battletoads Cover)

  • 12.

    Fire (TMNT2 Cover Stage 1)

  • 13.

    Stage 3 (Battletoads & Double Dragon Cover)

  • 14.

    My Silver Lining (First Aid Kit Borderlands Metal Cover)

  • 15.

    My Silver Lining (First Aid Kit Borderlands Metal Cover) [Sid Version]

  • 16.

    Missile Mayhem (Battletoads & Double Dragon Cover) [SNES Version]

  • 17.

    Saltkin (Purity Ring Metal Cover)

  • 18.

    Candy Boy (TREN-D Metal Cover)

  • 19.

    Forces (Berserk Metal Cover)

  • 20.

    Arab Rock (Aladdin Metal Cover)

  • 21.

    Night Before Christmas (Sector Gaza Metal Cover)

  • 22.

    Sailor Girl (Oleg Gazmanov Metal Cover)

  • 23.

    Underground River (Made in Abyss Metal Cover)

  • 24.

    Jingle Bells Metal Cover (Demo)

  • 25.

    Jabberwocky (Erutan Metal Cover)

  • 26.

    Everytime We Touch (Cascada Metal Cover)

  • 27.

    Hai Yo [Oh Ashes] (Berserk Metal Cover)

  • 28.

    22 Pritopa (Sengey Minaev Metal Cover)

  • 29.

    Die Wilde Jagd (Faun Metal Cover Demo)

  • 30.

    Sumetskaya (Otava Yo Metal Cover)

  • 31.

    Angels & Demons (D-Block & S-te-Fan Metal Cover)

Download / Listen full album:

Unreleased songs album cover
Unreleased songs


  • 1.


  • 2.

    The Longest Journey

  • 3.


  • 4.

    Dramatic Fly

  • 5.

    Sky Pony

  • 6.

    Lelungan Kulo

  • 7.

    Starfall (2014 Demo)

  • 8.

    Open Heart

  • 9.

    Nobody Will Escape

  • 10.

    Pen In My Hand

  • 11.


  • 12.

    Snow Butterfly

  • 13.

    Moonlight & Sunrise (2020)

  • 14.


Download / Listen full album:

About / History

DEgITx is a one-man project of compositor Alexey Kasyanchuk from Belarus. Alexey Kasyanchuk itself is software engineer from Minsk.

DEgITx photosession DEgITx photosession

The DEgITx project was fully created in the beginning of 2013 year, but there was some demo's material originally formed in 2011-2012 years. The main first idea was a combine chiptune and SID sound with metal-genre. A lot of inspiration at the beginning was by other bands in the same genre: like The Machinist, Dawn of Neptune. At the end of 2014 year two albums have been ready. Since 2015 year was decided to add more sound genres to sound and don't limit sound itself. Since the third Forest Spirits album beside Power Metal, Chiptune, Sid Metal also was added Folk metal to main genres list of the project. The Forest Spirits also was the first album with vocal version of tracks with other music collaborators. All of the albums since then was trying to be balanced in different genres and Alexey always want to include some parts of the songs by each genres in albums. The lyric theme of songs with vocal is different: some themes related to cyberpunk themes, some of the folk, another is about emotional problems. Most of the songs are complete stories based on some ideas (for example Forest House songs). Lyric languages are also different: some in english, some in russian. Music is completely free for usage (royalty free music) in any types of projects.

If you are intrested in Alexey Kasyanchuk Software Engineer info you can find it here.


Official artworks for project. Represend main logo and also mascot named Alexa. All images on link in HQ.